
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Done Planting 05/17/14

Ok. Enough. My back hurts. Total spent: $100 on 5 bags of black cow, 16 bags of top soil, veggies and wildflowers. Let's see how this works!
Sweet Potatos

Tomatos, Okra, Sunflowers & Gaillardia

Squash, Fordhook Limas, Bush beans, Garlic, Green Peppers and Gaillardia

Okra to the left and more sunflowers and African Daisy

Okra and flowers in the unboxed bed, Corn and Colored Limas to the right

Saturday, May 17, 2014

April 16, 2014 Here We Go

So today I started by taking apart a shelf that we had in the basement to use for our square foot garden boxes.  This may have been the hardest part of the day as I am not so good with a screwdriver and other "boys" things.

Next, I headed to the garden, which was in a state!  Last year was so much work that we did nothing during the winter except lay a big pool tarp on top, which we were hoping would kill some of the weeds that we grew along with veggies during the summer!

I pulled the tarp off and found several huge ant hills (lovely) and less weeds, although some of those beasts were still growing under there.

Then, with dad's help (who had stopped by to get some mulch off our "mulch mountains", courtesy of a local tree service company), I carried the first box out to the garden.

Three holes  later, I had one box and two squares started.

I'll be happy to have help from my hubby co-farmer tomorrow!!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

2014 Plan

Yep, we are going to try again, folks!  This time we are planning to do a square plan of sorts (although we will throw in some rectangles because of a lack of wood).  Also, the plan is not to go crazy and just focus on feeding ourselves instead of the entirety of Forsyth County, Georgia.

We have some old furniture that we will break down and use for the outside of a couple of raised boxes.

Here's the plan:

Here's what the pictures mean: